Im Herbst 2012 kommt es zum Prozess zwischen Moore und Bertuzzi:

A civil case pitting former NHL player Steve Moore against Todd Bertuzzi(notes) and the Vancouver Canucks could finally see the inside of a courtroom late next year.

The target date for the Ontario Superior Court trial to begin if necessary is Sept. 24, 2012 if Bertuzzi is still an active player, and Oct. 22 if he’s not, according to court documents viewed by CBC.

Court-ordered mediation between the sides has failed to lead to a settlement.;_ylt=AiJz0uvC5deGy5P6jZThT8d7vLYF?slug=cbc-sports_hockey_sp_bertuzzi_moore-2000456710

Da bin ich mal gespannt, was da raus kommt. Einfluss auf die Karriere von Bertuzzi kann das Urteil kaum mehr haben.