Während der WM in Dänemark fand der obligatorische Kongress der Internationalen Eishockey-Föderation (IIHF) in Kopenhagen statt.

Hier wurden unter anderem neue Regeln in internationalen Eishockeyspielen verabschiedet.

Here are some of the major rule changes:
Goal crease in IIHF competitions will be changed to match National Hockey League specifications
Team staff will be permitted use of electronic tablets on the bench for statistical and tagging purposes
Relaxed rules for goals scored when the net frame is displaced. As long as the posts are at least partially on the pegs then a goal will count if the puck crosses the goal line
Video goal review criteria will include goaltender interference
Goaltenders will be penalized for covering a puck in certain cases where they are able to play it
A late hit to a skater who is in a vulnerable position because of not being in control or possession of the puck anymore will be sanctioned with a minor or major penalty
A bodycheck before the opponent has received the puck will be sanctioned with a penalty for interference
Revised definitions for injury classification

Das ist doch nicht alles neu?