Original geschrieben von: NL Ice Data
Hey there!

For anyone interested, here's an article about How to Scout Goalies with Analytics & Statistics. We used Punnenovs as an example.

In English : https://nlicedata.com/#!/subs/article?id=2022-how-to-scout-goalies-with-analytics
En français : https://nlicedata.com/#!/subs/article?id=2022-how-to-scout-goalies-with-analytics&language=FR

NL Ice Data

Wow very interesting, thanks! I really like the additional analysis you provide as game recaps and your blogs. They are giving a real value! I guess every club will hire in the future a data analyst that provides such analysis to the coaching team.

And my hope is, that SRF and Mysport would have such experts. Once you heard that high-quality analysis from you, it's impossible to listen to that nonsense blabla the SRF experts are talking. Mysports is a bit better, but more the expected goals, off-the-rush and zone entries is too much to them.