Original geschrieben von: Allez Sierre
Was ich unserem Klub zugute halten möchte, ist das man nicht tatenlos zusieht und dementsprechend reagiert. Pouliot habe ich irgendwo gelesen soll ein harter Hund sein, hoffentlich schafft er es die Mannschaft auf Vordermann und in die Playoffs zu bringen.


Harter Hund ist wohl noch untertrieben....:-)

Und gemäss Wiki:

Pouliot was drawn to hockey due to the speed of the game, which he calls "the fastest sport in the world". He enjoys working on different systems of play, and the strategy of when to deploy different tactics. Pouliot considers it a privilege to be one the sixty head coaches in the CHL, and it is committed to working many hours during the long bus rides for games in the QMJHL. He watches many in-game videos on the busses, and talks at length with players to instill a hard work ethic and not having regrets.[2] He states, "I demand that players have a good work ethic and I seek to develop a mentality of pride. I am a coach who believes in communication and I want to know my players to better help them". He wants his players to assess on-ice situations and react quickly. He also strives for the team's management to treat players as professionals and encourage individual progress.With respect to coaching in smaller market locations, Pouliot said "Even if you're a small market you have to think as a big market. For us it's really important to take care of the people we are drafting, making sure we give them the tools to develop and build a good team".

"Pouliot considers Jacques Lemaire to be a role model due to Lemaire's attention to detail and preparedness. Pouliot stated he also learned a lot from both Clément Jodoin, and André Tourigny. Pouliot was praised by Tourigny who stated that "Mario is a hockey genius and a tireless worker. He works extremely hard. He's also a good person, a guy with a big heart".

Bearbeitet von vision04 (11/01/2024 08:03)
Es ist egal, ob wir das Spiel verlieren,
denn darauf kommt es nicht an.
Und ob das irgend jemand hier sonst kapiert,
ist für uns nicht interessant.