bin immer noch der meinung dass die zebras schlecht gepfiffen haben.... meine subjektive wahrnehmung wahrscheinlich....

die reaktion von hiller auf seinen fauxpas finde uch bemerkenswert, chapeau

"In life you sometimes do stupide stuff you regret later… This is definitely on of them. I can’t even watch the video cause I’m ashamed of myself. Not role model like for sure and I’m deeply sorry.

If we already discussing this matter we might also want to rewrite/delete Rule 151 v. out of the rulebook as i think it’s stupid and it tempts goalies, me included, to take advantage of it…
„An attacking skater may skate through the goal crease during game action so long as he doesn’t make contact with the goaltender. If he makes contact, or if the goaltender makes contact while backing up in his goal crease, the attacking skater will be assessed a minor penalty.“

Bearbeitet von rouge+jaune-1939 (16/03/2018 16:22)